Monday, November 30, 2009

Updates for November 30th!

Announcements and activities you need to know about!

Its time to start finishing up reading "A Christmas Carol" for the book club. Look for a date that will soon be announced for the discussion and movie night with Jody Werner.

Ward Christmas party will be Wednesday, December 16th at 6:30pm at the ward. Please be sure to invite all of your neighbors for a great dinner and program. Food assignments will be posted as it gets closer.

The giving tree's are now up in the hall outside the chapel. There are lots of need families this year that could really use some help with Christmas. Please take as many ornaments as you can and have the gifts to Lenora Bachman by the 13th. If you can help sponsor a whole family or split a family there are still lots that did not get added to the tree, please see Jeff Tesch.

The Young Women are doing a babysitting night to help pass off personal progress. It will be Wednesday the 9th from 6:30 to 9pm. You must let Laura Tesch know if you plan to bring your children to the church for it. Leave her a message at 745.6655.

The next Spanish class will be TOMORROW the 1st at 7pm in the young women's room at the church.

There will be a relief society board & staff dinner at Tami Weller's on Thursday, December 10th. Look for your invitations in the mail.

Irene Rawlinson is still recovering well from her surgery but is still loving the phone calls and visits.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Salad Class Picts

This was such a fun night to learn all of these great salad recipes and table decor ideas! Thanks to Kathy Welling and Kim Vincent!

Announcements for 11/16/09

The lunch bunch will be meeting tomorrow the 17th at noon and 6pm at the Greenery!

The Spanish class will be tomorrow the 17th at 7pm in the YW room at the church. Husbands are welcome!

The ward Christmas Party has been announced for December 16th at 6:30pm there will be a dinner and a program.

Next Sunday there will be a special provident living sacrament meeting.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 1st Announcements

Thanks to everyone who helped finish up the file folder games for the humanitarian center! They are all done now and look great!

Thanks to everyone who helped with Kathy Anderson's roof it looks great and they were able to get it done in one Saturday! Check out the pictures above!

Be sure to look at the posting below for all of the information on the Park City RS overnighter!

Jo Morton and Craig McCleary both had surgery last week but are doing well!

Keep the Hardin's in you prayers, Fraziers father passed away Sunday morning!

Park City Overnight Coming Up

11/13 - 11/14 overnighter in Park City. Here are the details that you need to know. We will be heading up sometime in the late afternoon and working on the humanitarian project of making dolls. If you have scissors, embroidery thread or needles please bring them. We will be having dinner at the cabin (look for food sign ups next week) and will just have a great time visiting and socializing. We will be going home by noon on Saturday. You are welcome to come up even if it is just for the evening or spend the night if you like. If you plan to spend the night this is what you need to bring. A pillow, blankets or sleeping bag, and towels. We hope to have as many as possible come. Please pop us an email so we can get a head count if you plan to attend.

Here are the directions:
Go to Park City and take the Outlet Mall/Kimball Junction Exit. Turn onto the main highway going into Park City. Turn right on the road that goes to the Canyons resort (you will see signs) then turn left on Red Pine Road. Take Red Pine Road under the overpass and the cabin is on your left side! Look for signs!