Sunday, February 27, 2011

Updates for February 27th

Upcoming RS Activities

RS Ski Day at Powder Mountain on March 3rd. We will meet at the church parking lot at 9am for anyone who would like to come.

Please email if you are planning to attend so we can get a head count for tickets.

They are $46 for locals.

RS Birthday party activity March 11th at 6:30pm at the church. Bring your hubbies for a great dinner and special guest speaker Michael Kennedy 1st baptized descendant of Joseph Smith.

Take a name to the Temple day Saturday March 19th. If you need names to do call Betty Ormsbee.

Lunch Bunch for March will be on the 24th at Noon at the Greenery

Water Aerobics will be CANCELED until further notice
Fir and Fabulous Exercising will be every T/Thu at 6:30 am at the Church (enter thru the SE door)

Thanks to everyone who came yesterday for VT interviews. We sure appreciate your time dedication and love for the sisters you serve!

January's VT message is on the table in the hall

Adult religion classes for the Book of Mormon will start this week. Wednesday at 7pm at the seminary building or Old Testament Tuesdays at 8:30am at the church

We are continuing the blanket projects. If you would like to donate fleece or make blankets let Lenora know. We also are collecting items for hygiene kits. See the lists of what is needed on the table.


Dalton Wheeler came home from the hospital over the weekend. Thanks to all who fasted and prayed for the Wheeler Family!

Congrats to the Orsmbee family who will be having Stephen Come home from his mission on the 17th.

The ward is still trying to fill times on Saturday mornings to have the church building cleaned. If you would be willing to help please give Richard Morton a call 801.791.9331.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Updates for Feburary 7th

Congratulations to Trisha & Matt Marker on the birth of their new baby boy Lexton who was born on the 31st and weighed 6lbs 6 ounces. He is still in the NICU so be sure to keep their family in your thoughts and prayers.

The ward is still trying to fill times on Saturday mornings to have the church building cleaned. If you would be willing to help please give Richard Morton a call 801.791.9331.

Jessica Smith needs a volunteer to watch Bessie (5) on an occasional Monday during school hours. Her number is (801) 540-9890. Please call her if you would be willing to help.

There is a request from the Wolf Creek ward to put out the notice for a babysitting job at moose hollow. The moms name is Hazel Webb and she needs day care in her home. I don't have many details maybe 2-3 small ones-Her number is (920)740-2142 if you would be interested.

Thanks so all who participated and organized our fun January activity at Tami Wellers! It was a fun and crazy evening!